WALHI adalah forum organisasi Non Pemerintah, Organisasi Masyarakat dan kelompok pecinta Alam terbesar di Indonesia.WALHI bekerja membangun gerakan menuju tranformasi sosial, kedaulatan rakyat dan keberlanjutan Lingkungan Hidup.

Kunjungi Alamat Baru Kami


  • Pengadilan Tinggi Nyatakan PT. BMH bersalah dan Di Hukum Ganti Rugi
  • Walhi Deklarasikan Desa Ekologis
  •   PT. Musi Hutan Persada/Marubeni Group Dilaporkan ke Komisi Nasional HAM
  • PT.BMH Penjahat Iklim, KLHK Lakukan Kasasi Segera
  • Di Gusur, 909 orang petani dan keluarganya terpaksa mengungsi di masjid, musholla dan tenda-tenda darurat

Selasa, Desember 18, 2012

Menhut proud Exploitation of Natural Indonesia

PALEMBANG, – Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan proud of the successful exploitation of nature in Indonesia Indonesia as a country making coconut oil, gold, coal, and lead the world.

“Indonesia is the largest palm oil producer in the world and number one exporter of gold in the world, is also the largest exporter of coal and tin in the world, he said in closing XVII Congress NU Student Association and Student Association XVI Congress NU Women in Palembang , South Sumatra, on Tuesday (4/12).

According to Zulkifli, Indonesia’s economic growth is now very good. The increase occurred in investment into Indonesia and the Indonesian people’s income increased several-fold compared to 1998.

On the other hand, graduates of Master of Religious Education was also reminded students that come to not only rely on natural resources. Students need to continue to improve their competencies to remain competitive with foreign countries.

On the other hand, organizations in South Sumatra environmentalists criticize the current exploitation of natural forests continues to undermine Indonesia. Indonesian Environmental Forum Sumsel record, from 3.7 million hectares of South Sumatra, lived about 800 acres in good condition.

“The policy of the Ministry of Forestry is supposed to be to protect the forest,” said one activist Hadi Jatmiko Sumatra Walhi.

tin mining in Bangka and Billiton are also frequent protests over the high environmental damage occurs.

sumber : http://theaseantimes.com/4666/menhut-proud-exploitation-of-natural-indonesia/ 

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